Kossar's Bagels & Bialys
New York, NY
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New York's Legendary Bialys, Since 1936
As famed former New York Times food critic Mimi Sheraton once wrote, "I knew Kossar’s to be the source of the very best bialys in the city, and as it turned out the entire country.” Words have never rung truer. Kossar's Bagels & Bialys is the oldest bialy bakery in the United States, and their skill is unmatched. Since 1936, they have been making the most delicious bialys this side of the Atlantic. Named for The Jews from Bialystok, Poland this local bread, is delightfully chewy and made with everything from onions to sundried tomatoes. Perfect for breakfast, or as dinner accompaniment, Kossar's Bialys are not to be missed.