Gullo Octopus

Westbury, NY
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Gullo Octopus

Sourcing the Best-Quality Octopus on Earth

If you like octopus, then you’re going to love Gullo. Founder Frank Gullo searched the world over for the finest octopus he could find, and he uses only the best of the best: sushi-grade octopus, sourced from waters off of Spain and Portugal. Gullo then tenderizes the octopus via a proprietary process that uses only sea salt and ice water, which makes it simple to prepare. A longtime favorite of Michelin-starred chefs, Gullo now ships their famous octopus directly to your door.

Gullo’s octopus has a sweet, clean and mild flavor and is perfect when simply grilled, sliced and topped with lemon and olive oil. Their squid, cuttlefish and branzino are also impeccably sourced and are of the highest quality.
