  • Chocolate Outrage Cake by Carousel Cakes
Chocolate Outrage Cake by Carousel Cakes
Carousel Cakes
Carousel Cakes
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Chocolate Outrage Cake

Ships to U.S. & CanadaSome restrictions apply

Dense and impossibly rich, this three-layer cake comes filled with creamy fudge and topped with Carousel Cake’s signature old-fashioned chocolate icing and surrounded with chocolate chips. It’s outrageously delicious!

Carousel Cakes’ recipe for success may be straightforward, but it’s also nearly impossible to duplicate: First-class ingredients, five decades of expert baking skills, and the extra effort of mixing everything by hand and with love go into every cake and cupcake. They have been featured by Oprah on her “O” List and by Barbara Walters and friends on “the View”, they have also been featured by Instyle Magazine, Time Out, New York Magazine, and ABC News.

Kosher Certified

This Package serves 6-10 people and includes a 7" Chocolate Outrage Cake