  • Fresh Swordfish Steak - 1 lb. by Aqua Best
1 lb
Fresh Swordfish Steak - 1 lb. by Aqua Best
1 lb

Fresh Swordfish Steak - 1 lb.

Ships Nationwide in U.S.Not eligible for shipping to Canada

Fresh, top-quality swordfish has a pinkish hue to its flesh. This steak is perfect for the grill!

Since its founding in 1986 as a humble mom-and-pop seafood market in Downtown New York just a few blocks from the Fulton Fish Market, Aqua Best has become one of the city’s top sources for some of the highest-quality seafood on earth, beloved by many of its leading chefs and served at world-class restaurants including Le Bernardin, COTE, and Cervo’s.. Aqua Best cuts out the middleman by working directly with local fishermen and contracting boats in order to make sure that all of the seafood they sell is the freshest, highest-quality available, and they control the entire process from boat to market. Seafood doesn’t get any better than this – and it’s shipping nationwide!

This package serves 2-3 people and includes 1 Fresh Swordfish Steak

  • Each steak weighs approx 1 lb.