  • Signature Flourless Chocolate Regal Cake by Collegetown Bagels
  • Signature Flourless Chocolate Regal Cake by Collegetown Bagels - Alternate image 1
Signature Flourless Chocolate Regal Cake by Collegetown Bagels
Signature Flourless Chocolate Regal Cake by Collegetown Bagels - Alternate image 1
Collegetown Bagels
Collegetown Bagels
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Signature Flourless Chocolate Regal Cake

Ships to U.S. & CanadaSome restrictions apply

This signature Chocolate Regal Cake is one of Collegetown Bagel’s most requested items. Great for birthdays, celebrations, or just an everyday chocolate fix. This rich flourless chocolate cake is fudgy and delightful!

With both Cornell University and Ithaca College inside its borders, Ithaca, New York, is definitely a college town. And since 1976, the family-owned Collegetown Bagels has been THE place for college students, their families, and locals alike to enjoy fresh bagels, breads, and baked goods, all baked from scratch in-house daily at each of their seven restaurants.

This package serves 8 people and includes an 8" Signature Flourless Chocolate Regal Cake