Chaps Pit Beef
Baltimore, MD
93% love this shop
"The Best Thing I Ever Ate" - Guy Fieri
It all started in 1987 when Gus Glava gave his daughter, Donna, and son in law, Bob, a pit beef stand as a wedding gift. Gus knew Bob loved to cook and wanted the newlyweds to start married life having a business of their own that they loved. While Chaps began as a 12' x 15' shack serving up charcoal-grilled roast beef sandwiches, Bob and Donna's work has built Chap's into a Baltimore icon. Each sandwich is made with the freshest, highest quality products and important core values: honesty, hustle, teamwork, loyalty, passion, and pride. More than 30 years later, Chaps Pit Beef has gone down in the history as possibly the best gift ever - to both Donna and Bob, but also all of Baltimore.