  • Ojai Pixie Tangerines - 5 lbs. by Melissa's Produce
  • Ojai Pixie Tangerines - 5 lbs. by Melissa's Produce - Alternate image 1
  • Ojai Pixie Tangerines - 5 lbs. by Melissa's Produce - Alternate image 2
5 lbs
Ojai Pixie Tangerines - 5 lbs. by Melissa's Produce
5 lbs
Ojai Pixie Tangerines - 5 lbs. by Melissa's Produce - Alternate image 1
Ojai Pixie Tangerines - 5 lbs. by Melissa's Produce - Alternate image 2
Melissa's Produce
Melissa's Produce
92% love this shop

Ojai Pixie Tangerines - 5 lbs.

Ships Nationwide in U.S.Some restrictions apply

Savor the tasty, delicate treat of tree-ripened fruit bursting with sunshine-sweet flavor and juice. This seedless variety is the result of the open pollination of Kincy, King, and Dancy mandarins. Popular backyard trees in Ojai, California, bear small to medium-sized citrus, having pebbly textured, yellow-orange rinds with loose skins that peel easily. The segments separate neatly for a quick snack, making them a great choice for eating out of hand. For the juiciest, sweetest fruit, look for Ojai Pixie Tangerines with a sweet, clean fragrance.

Founded by Sharon and Joe Hernandez in 1984, Melissa’s Produce distributes the freshest produce to world-class restaurants, TV shows like “Top Chef,” and you. From its founding in a small rented room to its current standing as the U.S.‘s largest distributor of specialty produce with a 280,000 square foot warehouse in Los Angeles, Melissa’s Produce has remained family-run since the beginning. Fresh vegetable and fruit delivery includes flawless baby vegetables; exotic fruits including lychees and Pepino melons (and some you may not have even heard of, like sapotes and tamarillos); and more — you’ve truly never had produce like this.

This package includes 5 lbs. of Pixie Tangerines (approx. 25 Tangerines)

Unfortunately due to Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Louisiana, and Texas agriculture laws, this product is unable to ship to these states. Any orders shipping to these states will be canceled and refunded.