
8 Pizzas

Labriola Chicago
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Mini Chicago Deep Dish Cheese Pizza - 8 Pack
Ships Nationwide in U.S.Not eligible for shipping to Canada
Rich Labriola grew up making pizzas at his father’s Calumet Park pizzeria, and he spent years studying the fine art of breadmaking before opening his first bakery in 1993. So it goes without saying that he knows his way around a pizza, and at his Chicago restaurant, Labriola is turning out pitch-perfect renditions of both of the Windy City’s signature pizza styles: deep-dish and it’s lesser-known cousin, thin-crust.
These mini deep-dish pies start with a focaccia-style dough that’s double-proofed before being layered with mozzarella and crushed tomato sauce.
This package serves 8 people and includes 8 Mini Deep Dish Pizzas
- Each pie measures 6"