  • Meatballs with Homemade Marinara Sauce by Demos' Family Restaurant
Meatballs with Homemade Marinara Sauce by Demos' Family Restaurant
Demos' Family Restaurant
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Meatballs with Homemade Marinara Sauce

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Pasta night will never be the same, or as comforting without Demo’s meatballs and marinara. These meatballs are kicked up with oregano and mint for the perfect blend of spices.

Demos’ is a true family restaurant, serving up the recipes of founder Peter Demos’ family since 1989, when it was founded in Murfreesboro. Demos’ is one of those places where the menu is massive and everything on it is delicious, where the whole family can dine there multiple times a week and never get bored.

This package serves 8 people includes

  • 30 Meatballs
  • Homemade Marinara Sauce ( 64 oz.)