  • Traditional Chile Con Queso for 4-6 by Picos Mexican Restaurant
Traditional Chile Con Queso for 4-6 by Picos Mexican Restaurant
Picos Mexican Restaurant
Picos Mexican Restaurant
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Traditional Chile Con Queso for 4-6

Ships Nationwide in U.S.Not eligible for shipping to Canada

Picos’ chile con queso has been bringing in families for more than 36 years! This creamy medium-sharp cheddar and chile-filled blend is great with chips, on top of a rolled enchilada or taco, or as a dipping sauce for tamales!

Chef Arnaldo Richards was raised in Monterey, Mexico, where he began his career cooking at his family’s restaurants. A third-generation chef, he started learning his grandmother’s recipes at age 13, and many of those authentic Mexican dishes and sauces are still on the menu at his legendary restaurant, Picos, which opened in 1984 and remains one of Houston’s most renowned Mexican restaurants.

This package serves 4-6 people and includes:

  • 1 lb. of Chile con Queso
  • 24 Tortillas, your choice
  • Each Corn Tortilla measures 6"
  • Each Flour Tortilla measures 8"