Dockside Market

Famous Tropical Cake from the Florida Keys
Bring the tropics home? Challenge Accepted.
Even if your front lawn looks more like an icy tundra trapped in the deathly grip of winter instead of Jimmy Buffett’s paradise, you can still get the taste of the tropics all thanks to Donna Wilson from Dockside Market. It’s been over 30 years since the Dockside Market sold their first cake at a seaside mart in the Florida Keys. While the Key Lime was the obvious inspiration for the first batch, they’ve expanded their offerings to include plenty of tropical flair over the years, all while ensuring the same taste, texture and care goes into each and every dessert. Donna let’s her love of the Keys shine through in her desserts and hopes to bring a bit of the tropics into your home with every bite of homemade goodness.
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