Cake Monkey

Your Favorite Childhood Treats All Grown Up
At LA’s Cake Monkey, every sweet snack is served with a slice of nostalgia. Their whimsical treats take you back to a time where lunches weren’t judged by the content of their kale salads but by the neon colors of their lunch boxes. A time where you could tell a lot about a person by their favorite flavor--red, blue or purple. Whether you were watching Molly Ringwald, Bill Nye or a pre-twerking Miley Cyrus, every Saturday morning TV binge fest deserved its snack cake counterpart--a symphony of sweet wrapped neatly in its little plastic wrapper.
Cake Monkey is capturing the magic of those memories and filling them with buttercream filling. From chocolate creme sandwich cookies to toaster-ready tarts, this totally rad bakery is reinventing childhood treats that are better than we ever imagined possible.